Principal's Message

5 September 2023


Dear students,


I hope this message finds you well and filled with anticipation for the new school year. As we begin this new academic year, I am excited to welcome you all back and extend a warm welcome to those joining our school for the first time.


There are various challenges ahead, but I believe you can overcome them and achieve success. In the new academic year, I hope you can focus on two things, which are self-discipline and being passionate about learning.


Being self-disciplined is important for students. It means being punctual, bringing your learning materials and submitting assignments on time. It also means following school rules and showing respect to your teachers by being polite and actively participating in class activities by asking and answering questions. I really encourage all of you to practise self-discipline and develop good habits.


Learning is a lifelong journey. I hope all of you can acquire knowledge and skills through your own initiative and efforts with passion. By doing so, you can understand yourselves better and broaden your horizons, which leads to bigger progress. In addition, I hope you can participate in the academic classes, team training and extracurricular activities provided by the school, and enjoy the process of holistic learning.


The school has put efforts in creating a conducive learning environment after the pandemic. In the previous school year, some new facilities such as the LED display device in the school hall were added. The climbing walls were also built to enable students to exercise their bodies and cultivate perseverance. This year, the school library will undergo a renovation, which is expected to be completed in April as a learning resource center for reading, self-study and speeches. The mini-hall will be transformed into a language and self-study center to encourage students’ self-directed learning.


The school has created learning spaces and opportunities for you, hoping that you can build a solid foundation of knowledge and develop a positive learning attitude. In the future, all of you will become our pride!


I wish you a fulfilling and meaningful academic year! May it be a time of growth, inspiration and endless possibilities.


Warmest regards,


Wilson Chung



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