Principal's Message

2 September 2024


Boys and girls, welcome back to school! As we embark on a new school year, you may have noticed all the new learning facilities that have given our campus a fresh look.


In the new school year, the focus of our school is on “cultivating self-directed learning abilities and attitudes”. we have a newly renovated library and a brand-new self-learning centre, providing students with more space for reading and self-study. These new facilities will certainly assist you in your self-study, and I hope you will make good use of them.


Our school values the physical and artistic development of students. Extracurricular activities have been incorporated into the timetable, offering a variety of options for students to develop their interests and strengths. These arrangements not only allow students to receive regular training in physical and artistic skills but also promote mental health and provide opportunities for relaxation.


We are committed to nurturing talent in innovation and technology. We are collaborating with the Chinese Society of Astronautics to establish an aerospace centre at our school, offering national-level aerospace science education courses. Students will also have the opportunity to participate in research and field studies in Inner Mongolia, Beijing, and Harbin to broaden their horizons.


I wish every member of Heung To family a fulfilling and meaningful school year.


Wilson Chung



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